Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I just had to say something about this movie which I can't fit into a tweet -- I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!! Well that line could be tweeted, (obviously haha :P) but why I loved it can't be explained in mere 140 characters.

I have been anticipating this movie since the start of the year. When I went to the cinema May 1, I was thrilled to the point of non-stop smiling. I felt like a kid again opening a bunch of Marvel cards I just bought and finding a new character card(you know how exciting that could be). I loved these movies. I grew up with these stories. And although I never expected anything else out of this movie than reliving the stories I knew, never did I imagine that I was in for a ride...

The movie was, ahem, AMAZING! The opening shot of Spider-man was GORGEOUS! He was falling from the skies with his back spider logo showing in the screen, and I just thought "WOW". The whole web-swinging sequence was showing the audience that this is how it feels to be Spider-man: dangerous, exciting, risky, overwhelming, beautiful. Andrew Garfield was a natural Peter Parker/Spider-man. The villains were adequate but they made it work. (Sorry Jamie Foxx, wala kay angay ma-nerd.. i'll always picture you as a cool type of guy.. And Dane DeHaan is a great actor BUT I just saw clips from Kill Your Darlings and I can only picture him kissing Daniel Radcliffe XP). But yeah, they made it work. The love story is cute (Emma Stone is adorable as always). The music score was great, I loved the Electro theme. The CGI was jaw-dropping (as mentioned previously of the opening sequence) and the fight, ohhhhhh the fight scene was stunning. But what really got me was the story of how Gwen, you know, died.. IT FELT ALMOST EXACTLY LIKE THE COMICS! I didn't tear up though, I already knew they would put it in this movie, but I still felt sad. There goes Spidey's true love. Bye Gwen. Okay back to topic...

There were also a few moments I didn't like, such as the pacing was at times slow. Norman Osborne never became the first Green Goblin which deviated from the story. And that Jorge kid goin' in the battlefield was too stooooopid and cheesy, albeit pivotal in the story. :P But these few things did nothing to ruin the movie. And I liked that.

The reason why I'm writing this? Coz it's 3am in the morning and I have no one to talk to about Spider-man. I really want to watch it again, in 3D. I just can't get over the movie yet lol. I'm trying so hard to decide if I'd place this as my Top 2 favorite Marvel movie replacing Raimi's Spider-man 2 which is saying something as I really loved the vs Doc Ock movie. Ask me again in 2 months after I rewatch it on a tv screen to know if it will keep its current standing.

I see that a lot of these movies will be made in the upcoming years and that really makes me happy. I've invested a lot already on these stories that they're already a part of me, and seeing them being taken out of the movie peeps' imagination and portrayed correctly on the big screen is the closest it would be as to having me imagine them on my own. I can't wait for X-Men: Days of Future Past, and even Guardians of the Galaxy. They're gonna be awesome for sure!

All Marvel needs to do is make that INHUMANS movie faster and everything will be AWESOME! Oh, and can we have that Deadpool movie already Fox?? Might as well hand him back to Marvel (now THAT would be PERFECT!). :)

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